oh wow, long time no blog post, right? time is running and I don't even notice. China seems to have soaked me up in it's timeless space. week after week everything is the same, though I start liking to be here. I finally found a way out of my black hole in that I was stuck since i got here. so my situation has improved a lot. I kind of start to speak chinese now, I know every sentence that I say is wrong, I know the tones are not correct and the order of the words is just horrible but I speak. thats the first step! I guess my german-speaking language partner helps me a lot, it's fun to hang out with her, so learning chinese makes fun.

the courses are ok too - except for one. I actually liked that course most, it is called "reading newspaper" and we basically just critisize the government all the time. but unfortunately our chinese is not so good yet, so we cant discuss difficult topics. however, our teacher forces us to do taht. so she just gives us perfect chinese sentences that we should learn by heart. in the exam we can use the sentences to critisize the government. any other sentences are ok too, as long as they have the same meaning. so if we express our own meaning, which is not the teacher's, we are fucked and we fail the exam. our teacher is the chinese government of our class room, so to say. isn't that awesome? gosh I rly hate her for that.

next week, so on thursday, I have my presentation in that course, I gonna talk about aids in china. thats gonna be fun. it took me 6 hours yesterday to translate all the infos, tmr I have to annoy my language partner with my horrible sentences... she rly needs to correct them.

before I had my other two presentations I was once thinking about how many languages I already used for giving presentations. and I realized I already presented things in 5 different languages, it pretty flashed me haha german, english, spanish, finnish and now chinese ... crazy, isnt it? no wonder my brain is so fucked up sometimes.

so, I basically do 5 things per day:

  • I go to my courses and study there
  • I go to the gym to work out (the gym is pretty awesome I must say, I go there pretty often these days. might it rly happen that I lose one or two kilos? Oh well, I doubt it)
  • I meet up with my language partners to talk chinese and study
  • I go home to write homework essays and to learn how to write new vocabulary
  • I sleep ( I guess that's the most relaxing part - what a surprise)

doesn't sound to exciting, does it? but yeah, that's just the way life is, when you really LIVE here and not just.. hang around and continue travelling after a few weeks. daily life stroke me - even in China.

soon I need to get my first injection and I still dont know how to get it. I wrote an email to the german embassador - doctor but guess what: he didn't answer... oh I got to know that I wont get my scholarship the way they told me I would get it.... goodbye 1400 euros! *wave*

I was still too lazy to upload any pictures... next weekend I'm going to some temples (temples uigghh I've seen enough in Chengde). then u'll get to see some. maybe. maybe not.