It's been a while since the last time I have posted here, that's because uni soaks up all the time I have, my mother was visiting me - which was great- and I simply didn't feel like writing and uploading pictures. That hasn't changed. But I have the urge to write about what is going on in our world.

I guess you have all heard of the Occupy Wallstreet Movement, which started about three weeks ago in New York. I am pretty isolated here in Beijing, since it is impossible for me to buy any newspapers that I can actually understand, so the message took quite a while to reach me.

Anyways, today I read a lot about it and I must say, I totally support this movement. If I was in Vienna, you could definitely find me demonstrating tomorrow - even though I'm not the demonstrating kind of person. I do not like to sleep outside on the ground either. But this is totally worth it. So - listen up everyone! if you are in Vienna - go demonstrate. if you are in Linz - go demonstrate. if you are in Graz - go demonstrate! all over the globe there are going to be protests on the 15th of October, so tomorrow. inform yourself, whether there is a happening in your town too.

Right now I'm really in the wrong country. Demonstrating against capitalism in China doesn't make a lot of sense, does it? Oh btw, the response of China on the whole movement:



The Chinese state news agency Xinhua said the protests had exposed "fundamental problems" with the US economic and political systems, and that it showed "a clear need for Washington, which habitually rushes to demand other governments to change when there are popular protests in their countries, to put its own house in order." (it is obviously copied from the English Wikipedia)


China acts like the one guy in The Simpons who is always laughing at others.

CHINA --> HAAAHAAA "Usually it's me, who has that kind of problem, but now it's youuu" HAAAHAAA -----> USA



The movement has various webpages, especially one page is great - it's I really recommend you to have a look at it.

all of the picture that are being posted there are very touchy, some are even hard to read through until the end because I feel so sorry for the person. but I don't just feel sorry for the person, but I am also very proud - I am proud that there are so many ppl on this planet, who manage their lives so well, despite their many problems.

This picture I took directly from the page. i hope the person who uploaded it doesnt mind that I post it here. it shocked me in particular - see for yourself.



A dead person just talked to you. A dead person just told you his story. I have no words for that.